Movie Reviews 5/21

Four movie day this weekend trying to catch up on some new releases.

1)The Nice Guys- Shane Black directs Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe brilliantly in this '70s style film about a P.I. and an enforcer working together on a case that has a lot more behind it. Great comedy and a great story makes for an enjoyable 2 hours at the movies. Score 8/10.

2) Angry Birds 3D- Movie based on a phone game? Somehow they made it work, kinda. There was a believable story, enough comedy for the kids to enjoy, but fell short at any real comedy for their parents. 3D was good and the movie wasn't a total loss but I'm not recommending this to anyone without kids. 5/10 score.

3) Money Monster- This movie actually surprised me. Not in the way the story unfolds as it is pretty predictable but the acting of George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and Jack O'Connell were better than the movie itself. Not a movie you have to rush out and see but one worth watching at home. 6.5/10 score.

4) Neighbors 2:Sorority Rising- The first Neighbors movie was one of my favorite comedies of the past couple years, but sequels for comedies are almost impossible to pull off. Thankfully, this movie is one of the few that pulls it off. Good comedy with a lot of laughs and if you haven't seen any of the trailers don't because they have a lot of the funniest parts in there. Score of the first was a 9/10 and I will give this one a 7/10.
See ya next time.


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