Manchester By The Sea Review

    They say "art imitates life" and that has been represented in many films but not many have done it better than the film Manchester By The Sea. Casey Affleck, definitely an Oscar nominee for Best Actor, is absolutely perfect in his portrayal of Lee Chandler. In the film Chandler is a brooding loner working as a handyman in Boston whose brother, played by Kyle Chandler, passes away leaving Lee as the guardian of his 16 year old son, acted brilliantly by Lucas Hedges.

    During the film we see, mainly through flashbacks, why Lee is the way he is and follow through the everyday struggles after the loss of a loved one. I will say that this is an absolutely incredible film but is emotionally draining and not one that will call for many repeat viewings and may not be for everyone but I could honestly recommend this film to anyone and everyone I know above the age of 16 as there is a lot of language throughout. I can confidently say that this film will have at least 3 Oscar nominations being Best Film, Best Lead Actor (Affleck), and Best Supporting Actress (Michelle Williams). 9.5/10


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